At Northwest Hearing, we provide services invested in treating, diagnosing, and supporting your hearing health. From comprehensive testing to the latest hearing technologies, we are committed to effective hearing solutions transforming your health.

Hearing Tests
We provide comprehensive testing that effectively diagnoses hearing loss. Different tests are used to measure hearing capacities in both ears. This involves using the latest hearing technologies to identify any hearing loss and the degree of impairment you are experiencing. A typical test we use is known as pure tone audiometry testing. This noninvasive and painless process involves sounds played at different pitches and frequencies. You are then asked to indicate what you can detect. Pure tone audiometry testing identifies your hearing thresholds - the softest sound you can hear at any given pitch. Once your hearing needs are established, our expert audiologist can tailor treatment to meet your specific requirements.
What to Expect at a Hearing Test

Hearing Aid Fittings
Hearing aids are the most common treatment for hearing loss. These intelligent electronic devices absorb, amplify, and process speech and sound. With many innovative options, we will help you navigate your options to ensure you select a device that optimally meets your hearing and lifestyle needs. Once you choose your device, our audiologist will take the time to program your hearing aid with settings that support your hearing. During your hearing aid fitting appointment, we will ensure these settings are comfortable. You will also learn everything about your hearing aid, ensuring you are confident integrating your new device into everyday life.
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Hearing Aid Repair
Hearing aids are highly durable devices that are made to last. They are also worn and used daily, which means they are impacted by normal wear and tear. It is common for your hearing aids to need repair work over time. Our practice provides in-house repairs, allowing you to get your hearing aids professionally serviced conveniently. Our experts will thoroughly inspect your device and run diagnostics to identify any issues you may be experiencing with it correctly. This allows us to determine if we can address and repair your device or if it needs to be sent to the manufacturer if the damage is more serious. Finally, we will provide you with a temporary replacement so that you are not without a hearing aid.
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VA Services
Northwest Hearing is proud to serve Veterans. This includes helping Veterans access and navigate VA benefits for hearing healthcare services. We are invested in increasing accessibility to hearing healthcare, especially to populations disproportionately impacted by hearing loss. Veterans are more likely to experience hearing loss due to loud noise exposure, so providing comprehensive and quality care is a priority for our practice.
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Custom Hearing Protection
Exposure to loud noise, one time or regularly, is a common cause of hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss is caused when sensory cells in the inner ear are damaged. Loud noise can desensitize and weaken these cells, reducing their capacity to process sound waves effectively. Fortunately, this type of hearing loss is entirely preventable. An effective way to prevent noise-induced hearing loss is by wearing hearing protection. Our practice provides custom hearing protection which offers maximum protection. This includes attenuated earbuds to deliver sound but at a safe volume.
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Assistive Listening Devices
Assistive listening devices, or ALDs, are hearing technologies that provide additional hearing support. There is a wide range of ALDs, including personal amplifiers to ALDs for TV, hearing loops, and amplified phones. Most ALDs are compatible with hearing aids, and this collective support can create seamless hearing experiences in public and private settings.
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Tinnitus Treatments
Tinnitus is a common hearing loss symptom. It describes hearing a ringing or buzzing-like noise that only you can hear in one or both ears. Tinnitus can be intermittent or more chronic, taking a toll on daily life in several ways. It can disrupt sleep, make it harder to hear, produce fatigue, prevent concentration, etc. Fortunately, there are effective ways that tinnitus can be managed. This includes tinnitus retraining therapy, a type of sound therapy that trains the brain to deemphasize tinnitus, alleviating its impact.
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Visit any of our locations today!
We have offices in Steamboat Springs, Craig and Frisco, Colorado providing hearing exams as well as hearing aids and repairs.
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